Towards optimism, day 7 of 21

As I start to write, I do not know what three things I will name today. I have had three emotionally-brutal days, so I am not feeling particularly upbeat.

I am grateful for the kindness of a stranger. I ran out of omeprazole a few days ago, and because of stress, I have had some strong stomach aches. I was talking to someone and she asked me some questions that produced stressful answers. She gave me some ranitidine, which is just as good as omeprazole for me. I felt much better, and I even have a couple of extra pills now.

Cotton swabs: seriously, I am grateful for cotton swabs. As a teenager, I regularly had ear infections that were very painful. A doctor finally told me that I was getting “swimmer’s ear”–even though I was not swimming very often–because water was trapped outside of my eardrum after I would shower. Since then, I regularly dry the inside of my ears with cotton swabs and I rarely get ear infections.

Late night, cheap food
Since I do not have a kitchen, and since it is often difficult for me to overcome my anxiety symptoms and prepare in advance, late night, cheap food places are very important to me right now.

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