Jingoism is American

Main Entry: jin-go-ism
Function: noun
Date: 1878
: extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy
From Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary

A friend forwarded me a transcript of a Neil Cavuto commentary. Neil said, “But there are many who protested this war. That was their right then. But I think it’s wrong now.”

Some people get very upset over thoughts like this. However, there is no need to be upset. We live in a great country that allows people to think things like this; and, even though there are many people that agree with him, we still have freedom of speech.

Neil Cavuto and Joseph McCarthy

People all over the world hate it when others disagree with them. It is not American or un-American to want to silence the opposition. The part that is American is that even though Neil Cavuto and Joseph McCarthy preach, their wishes do not come true.

Yes, we have had many terrible periods of political oppression and we continue to have censorship in schools, but overall, America is a place were speech is free in spite of jingoism, McCarthyism, and the PATRIOT Act.

Thanks, Neil

So consider writing Neil Cavuto a quick email thanking him for illustrating that speech is free for everyone, even when they use false arguments, misrepresent others, exploit other people’s pain, lie by omission, and project their guilt.

Yes, jingoism is as American as dissent. Many thanks for reminding us all, Neil.

Proud to be American

“Dissent is the highest form of patriotism” – Thomas Jefferson

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